Essex Wedding Photographer : Why I love capturing family portraits?

January 06, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Hi all and welcome to my latest blog! Well this blog is going to be short and sweet as I really want to get to the good stuff and show you some gorgeous photos of some fantastic families. This blog is all about family shoots. I know many photographers, and we are all different in what we like to capture. A friend of mine is an avid landscape photographer, and they love it. I have another who occasionally captures Weddings but really loves capturing events. I ADORE capturing Weddings! If any of you have read my other blog, How I became a Wedding photographer, you will know I love working with people, so for me Weddings was always going to be something I wanted to do. Family shoots or portrait shoots (including couples) is something I seemed to “struggle” with them to begin with and I couldn’t put my finger on it until I moved away from the traditional studio shoots. I used to have a portable studio I went to clients houses and take at least 20mins to set up before even starting the shoot itself. Apart from being time consuming I found the studio work not a dynamic and fun as being outside or just capturing people naturally! I then made a conscious effort to STOP doing studio shoots, and capture families and portraits in “normal” surroundings like parks, and even in their own homes. This changed everything! I was now able to move around and be more creative, and really interact with clients. This then relaxed them and I would capture more casual shots. Have you ever tried to take a photo of your kids when just sitting on the sofa saying CHEEEEESE! Hardly ever works does it? Get them outside and enjoying the space and freedom. This always makes for more fun shots. Trust me! More recently I have had clients bring their dogs with them as well. Any why not! Anyway I did say this was going to be a short blog………….Here is a selection of some shots I have taken over the years. Enjoy.


Dale Zimmerman Photography - Capturing magical wedding moments with a creative, unique and personal touch. Featured on Hitched.




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